Go after you…

Hi, grandma! Today, maybe in the afternoon would be your viewing. Unfortunately I can’t be there. I am terribly sorry that I can’t make it.I will pray for you with all my respect.

The comfort of feeling that I learned from you made me think again today. Now I know what I need to do for my family and friends.

Oh, by the way, grandma, I had a little ceremony for you at dinner table tonight. I stopped by an Asian store and bought Japanese Sake and cooked healthy Japanese food. We celebrated your end of journey. Your journey had been going  for 102 years long.  That is so long time. I thought that’s worth to celebrate. Kanpai for your journey! I loved you so much and will miss you so much.

Well, mine is still going, I will try harder and harder and keep up with you. I’m not gonna disappoint you, I promise. I am not gonna forget about you. You will live inside me as long as I live.

This is so much fun talking to you like this. You know living in foreign country isn’t so easy, especially like my situation right now.  But from now on you can stay with me anytime you want.(Kind of spooky thought.(lol))
Tomorrow, maybe your spirit will apart from your body. Please stop by if you’d like. Good night, grandma. Finally I am getting little sleepy. Talk to you soon.

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Published in: on 2011年5月26日 at 12:59 am  コメントする  

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