Story of my granma

She lost her husband when my dad was 3 years old. My grandpa died in a war. I don’t know how old she was back then. Probably in her early 20’s, I guess. She had five children, but no husband. Must have been a pretty tough one. She raised those kids all by herself. My dad doesn’t even remember his daddy’s face and voice. She lived far from where I lived in Japan. So I could see her just couple times a year. As a child, I always cried when I have to say goodbye to her.  I still remember that feeling. Just wanted to stay with her so much. I felt safe with her and she loved me so much. Never compared with my sister and brother which used to happen a lot in my family because they are lot smarter than me and cuter than me. She was a pretty quiet lady, never complained about anything. But when I woulld ask her something, she would always answer me with something witty. I loved that. She told me about my dad when he was a child, she told me how far she could walk when there was no cars and how that made her feel good….lots and lots. That was just so much fun listening to her.
I am having the same feelings now that I had back then just now by writing this. I now remember what it is to feel safe again and that is the most important thing people need for their lives. At least in the physical sence, not in the financial sence, ha ha ha .
I shouldn’t forget this feeling. Even though I have lost many people I have cared about since I have learned what love really is.
The comfort of feeling. I hope I can become a person who can give that comfort safe to somebody I love.

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Published in: on 2011年5月24日 at 8:14 pm  コメントする  

Story will be told…

My grandmother just died today, 3:30AM in Japan, 11:30 AM in here. Couple hours ago….
When I got the news from my mom, I was fine.  Afeter the phone, I tried to stop thinking, but I couldn’t.
Lots of memories have been going through my mind. But I know that there’s nothing I can do for her, or for my family in Japan. I am terrible. …
Can’t even go to Japan and see her in peace and…say goodbye, even though she was my favorite grandmother. She taught me a lot. How to love people, how to love family, how to have beautiful mind, how to get motivated, how to be patient……She never used words, I just learned from watching her. She was a great person.
She was the only one who treated me like a person when I was young. Big loss for me.  I saw her and talked to her 4 years ago right before I left Japan. I knew that would be the last time to see her, but still….
Someday soon I will see her in heaven, cuz time goes by so quick. I’ve got to keep trying and keep my head held high. Hope I can say “I did it! I finally made my goal, grandma!”, next time when I see her there. I have to be stronger now, no time to cry, got to do what I have to do and make her proud of me. I loved her so much. Please give your strength to me….grandma. I want to become like you.
I will pray for you everyday, and every once a while your story will be told….by me. Love with all my respect, granma…

Posted from WordPress for Android

Published in: on 2011年5月24日 at 2:59 pm  コメントする